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2022-11-17 22:48:30   栏目:专题报道   来源:生态安吉   点击:
















与此同时,“讲述应对气候变化中国故事暨南南城市气候合作发展”主题边会在埃及沙姆沙伊赫成功举办,安吉县副县长管永丰通过视频连线,向全球讲述了“深化竹林碳汇改革 应对气候变化”的安吉故事。








【Transcript】January 2020, with the record-breaking global average temperature, was the hottest January on record since 1880.



【Transcript】On October 31, 2021, the G20 summit agreed to pursue efforts to limit global warming.



【Transcript】Climate change is a global issue.



【Caption】According to IPCC reports, forestry can offer multiple benefits and contribute to both climate change mitigation and adaptation. To increase carbon sink and reduce emission, expanding forest cover is an important measure that is economically feasible and low-cost in the next 30–50 years.



【Transcript】At the UN Climate Change Conference on November 29, 2012, Anji signed a framework agreement with the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR), China Green Carbon Foundation, and Zhejiang A & F University to set up a Research and Demo Zone for Sustainable Management of Bamboo Forests, Products and Carbon Sink Trading.



【Transcript】Anji is pioneering a new practice with bamboo forest to address climate change.



【Title】Bamboo: Anji’s Solution to Climate Change



【Transcript】As an important and special forest plant, bamboo is fast-growing, self-regenerating, and ready for yearly harvest, providing a huge potential for carbon sequestration.



【Transcript】China boasts some of the most abundant bamboo resources in the world, ranking first in terms of species, growing area and product volume. Anji County in Zhejiang Province has 67,300 hectares of bamboo forest. “Flat plain stretching over twenty-five kilometers, half covered by elegant bamboo forests,” wrote the Ming Dynasty scholar Gan Yuanding about Anji. Here, about 75% farmers depend on bamboo for their livelihoods.



【Transcript】With abundant bamboo resources, Anji explores a diverse range of methods to cope with climate change. The County has joined hands with an expert team of Zhejiang A & F University to develop a bamboo forest carbon flux observation system, Methodology for Bamboo Forest Management Projects, and bamboo carbon sink credits. The collaboration has yielded extensive data and results.



【Transcript】In December 2021, Anji established a trading platform for bamboo carbon credits to pool the local resources together. Thus, carbon sinks turn into money-makers, placing Anji on a green, low-carbon, and sustainable pathway to common prosperity.


(字幕 竹林培育):【解说词】建立竹林经营服务体系,积极推广使用竹林固碳减排增汇经营技术,上线竹林碳汇数字平台,产品足迹全周期追踪管理,推动竹林经营方式变革,通过科学培育竹林和产品固碳,使竹林年固碳能力提高约6 tCO2/ hm2,,生态环境显著提升。

(Caption Bamboo Cultivation): 【Transcript】Anji develops a bamboo forest management system, promotes carbon sequestration technology, launches a digital bamboo carbon sink platform, tracks life-cycle product footprint, and transforms bamboo forest management models. Through scientific cultivation methods, bamboo forests can capture an additional six tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare every year, which significantly improves the environment.


(字幕 生活替代):【解说词】激励企业不断开发新产品,优化加工工艺,形成了八大系列,3000余种竹制品,推动公众生活物品以竹代木、以竹代塑、以竹代钢等,减少木材采伐和高碳排放产品使用。(字幕)与传统加工工艺相比,竹板材产品综合碳转移率由37.0%提高至52.4%~74.4%。(对一系列高科技竹产品进行展示)

(Caption Alternative Product): 【Transcript】With constant efforts to develop and optimise bamboo-based products, companies now offer around 3,000 products of eight categories in the market. Bamboo proves to be an ideal alternative to wood, plastic or steel used in daily goods, which can help to reduce logging and avoid carbon-intensive products. (Subtitle) Compared with the conventional process, the carbon transfer ratio of bamboo panels is about 52.4%-74.4% instead of 37.0%.(Show high-tech bamboo products)


(字幕 金融激励):【解说词】推出系列绿色金融产品,通过金融让利、保险托底,引导企业参与购买碳汇,经营者可以安心培育竹林,促进竹林增汇和农民稳定增收。

(Caption Financial incentives): 【Transcript】Green finance engages financial institutions to facilitate carbon sink trading among businesses. Thus, forest managers can focus on cultivating bamboo forests, enhancing carbon sinks and bringing in steady income for farmers.


(字幕 共同富裕):【解说词】建立起企业、村合作社、农民多方利益分享机制,让“资源从农民手中来、效益回到农民手中去”,带动农户积极参与碳汇项目开发,拿租金、分股金、挣薪金,不断在生态产品价值实现中受益。

(Caption Common Prosperity): 【Transcript】Anji sets up a benefit-sharing mechanism for business, village cooperatives and farmers, making sure that "resources taken off the hands of farmers are reciprocated by benefits”. Farmers are also encouraged to get involved in the process and benefit from rent, shares, and salary in the value chain.



【Transcript】Anji follows the concept of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”, "makes good use of bamboo", develops bamboo forest carbon sinks, enhances ecological value, and improves local farmers’ income. With ecology and economy going forward hand-in-hand, the County creates a virtuous development cycle and contributes the unique "Anji solution" to the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.



